Running Border War each year takes a team. The event steward can be contacted via email and will forward on details as appropriate.
This list will be updated as more people join the team,
Steward | Baroness Cairistiona inghean Raghnaill |
Deputy Steward | Lady Inga Knutsdotter |
Bookings | Lady Isolda Deye |
Feast Steward | Lord Biorn slagakollr / Mistress Lowry ferch Gwynwynwyn ap Llewelyn |
Marshal in Charge
Equestrian Marshal Archery Marshal Rapier Marshal |
Master Magnus Thorbjarnarson
Cherbin Teneg Yagaan Mistress Thomasina Coke Lady Elizabeth La Chatte |
War Bands Officer | Baroness Cairistiona inghean Raghnaill |
Arts and Sciences | Mistress Oonagh O’Neill |
Herald in Charge | Lord Undewyn Maccuswell |
Lists | tba |
Constable/Gate | tba |
Chirurgeon | Mistress Thomasina Coke |
Markets | Lady Mýrún katla |
Children’s Activities | Lady Mýrún katla |