Children are welcome at Border War. Children (ages 14+) can participate in combat activities if they are authorised. Other activities are available for other children (see below). While activities are provided, children are the responsibility of their parent(s)/guardian(s) and must remain under their active supervision.
Non-combat activities generally available at Border War:
- Archery, possibly including a Monster (Dragon) Hunt
- Boffer tournament, if enough interest
- Games
- A&S competitions and classes
- Take part in the Children’s Challenge (see below)
Children are also welcome to join most arts and sciences classes, these are all general admission. Check with the instructor if the class will be safe for children.
For more information, or to request a family price, please contact the Event Steward.
The competitions are the same as for the adults. However, we ask that you add your age to your entry form, to ensure the judges use the Kingdom’s Youth Judging rubric.