Event Schedule

Proposed Schedule – this will be updated as we confirm activities to be included.
Final details announced closer to the War.

Site/Gate open: Friday Noon


0900  Event crew set up / bump in and food deliveries.

1200 Official site opening – Gate open

1200 Food Prep all afternoon and evening.

1200 to 1700 If marshals available: Target Archery, Rapier, Thrown Weapons practice.

1800 — 2000 Soup Kitchen/BBQ

2000  War Council — all marshals onsite to attend
Artisan’s Gathering (in the Great Hall)
Bardic Gathering through 2200

2200 to Dawn – Quiet on site


0700-0900  Breakfast – Great Hall

0830 Armor inspection opens

0900 Opening Gathering/Court & War Band Parade

0930-1230   War, Equestrian, A&S classes, Games

1200 –1400 Lunch – Great Hall

1400 War – weather permitting,

1400 A&S classes and Judging, Games and minors activities, Rapier, Archery at Butts

1830-2000   Feast

2000  ‘Mouth from the South’ Bardic Competition
followed immediately by a Semble / Pick, Pass or Play casual bardic gathering

2200 to Dawn – Quiet on site


0700-0830  Breakfast

0830  Inspections

0900-1200  Combat Archery Tourney, Heavy and Rapier Tourneys to run concurrently

1000-1200  Market, A&S classes, Games,

1230  Closing Court

1300-1400 Lunch – take away packs will be available.

1400 Pack up, Bump out

1600 Site close