Booking Information

How to Book:

Please go to the Booking Sheet (give it a moment to load), complete contact details for one attendee, then complete the booking information for that attendee. For additional attendees, click the “+ Add Person” button at the bottom of the page and then complete the details for that person. Once all attendees that you are booking for have been described, click the submit button.

While the Booking Information section is long, it means that each person’s requests and requirements can be known instead of guessed, and we hope it is quick to enter (there are fields that only show if required, to speed up the booking process).

PLEASE complete all sections. In particular, it helps us to know your food allergies, which war band you will be supporting, and ages of your children for planning/ease of running the event and your comfort.

After you have submitted your booking form, you will receive an email from the Booking Officer (usually within 24 hours) with a confirmation receipt for your booking, and the total price for that booking. Click here to check the Pricing for this event. This price is only guaranteed if the per-person deposit is received within the time frame that will be given in the email. All pre-booked attendance must be paid by 15th August or the ‘At the Gate’ price will be assigned and will need to be paid in order to attend the event.
Note that Border War is being held in August not February this year.

Cancellation Policy – If you find you cannot attend the event, please let us know as soon as possible before the event date. Refunds will be given at any time in cases of emergency, injury, sickness or Covid-like symptoms. For any other reason, a refund will be arranged if you let us know by the cut off date, 15th August 2025.

If you have any feedback on the Booking Sheet, or the booking process, please contact the Booking Officer.

Go to the Booking Sheet