Arts and Sciences

“Ulrich Schwab, Sattler”, circa 1470

Workshops, competitions, and bardic activities are offered for those less martially inclined, or needing a break from fighting.

Entry in A&S Competitions and the Gwynfor Llwyd ‘Mouth from the South’ Bardic Challenge count towards War Points (see below).

Border War categories:

  • Wool – spinning, weaving, njalbinding, etc…
  • Brewing – any drink using Eastern European fruit… alcoholic or non-alcoholic
  • Leather – saddlery, armour, shoes

Children’s Challenge: Youth A&S is the same as the adult competition; however, we ask that the child’s age be included on the entry form, so the judges know to use the Kingdom’s Youth A&S criteria.

[Competition items to be on display by 10 am Saturday; judging will take place throughout Saturday and on Sunday morning.]

Arts and Sciences competitions and Judges… TBA

Classes  go to Classes and Workshops page



Bardic: weather permitting will be held at the fire pit

  • The 12th anniversary Gwynfor Llwyd ‘Mouth from the South’ Bardic Challenge: it is 13 years since we lost the original ‘Mouth from the South’, Gwynfor Llwyd, and once again we will be honouring him and all the others we have lost – with songs, tales, theatre, poetry and filk.
  • If you decide to put on a theatrical performance or act, please keep it to no more than 10 minutes.
  • Boasting and Gesting (aka Pick, Pass or Play): free-form contribution to evening entertainment, will follow the competition.




This is a competition that encompasses all aspects of Border War for War Bands/Households consisting of up to 10 members. The group entry with the highest overall score will be the winner and take home the War Chest to which all participants are requested to contribute. To earn WAR POINTS there will be:

  • War Scenarios (to be advised)
  • Fighter Tournament
  • Combat Archery Tournament
  • Rapier Tournament
  • Arts & Sciences Competition
  • The ‘Mouth From the South’ Bardic Challenge
  • Best Presented War Band (judged during the Declaration of War straight after Armour Inspection on Saturday morning)

Points will be awarded for entering an activity and to the War Bands on the winning side of each battle.
Points system for the tournaments and competitions: 1 point per entrant in each activity or war scenario (1 point per A&S category) with bonus points for first (3), second (2) & third (1).

Please bring something to add to the War Chest.