Border War is a camping, combat and creative medieval recreation event hosted by the Shire of Bordescros as part of the Kingdom of Lochac in the Society for Creative Anachronism.
Border War 2025:
Northern Crusades of the Teutonic Knights
Friday 29th August – Sunday 31st August, 2025
Your Stewards, Faelan and Lowry
The Shire of Bordescros calls for War Bands and their vassals to gather for war and demonstrate their prowess on and off the field of combat. Participation in any activity contributes to victory points for your War Band. Those who claim victory at the end of the event will be feted far and wide, and take away the War Chest.
For those who do not wish to participate in combat, there will be a range of Arts and Sciences activities available, games and the Sunday market at the Village Market Hall. As usual, there will be children’s activities.
Browse this website for more information, including:
Bookings are Essential, please visit the booking information page.
If you have further questions, contact the event steward via email.
War! What is it good for? Having a great time with friends, family and like-minded ‘medieval people’.